"Thine Waters' synthesis as and of thine Blue Being, Crystal Source Field synthesis. Thine Waters hath served as a medium, as thine light field storage container, as thine planetary axis Source seals. Thine Waters hath seen and heard thy entire history of Gaia-sphere.
Thine history of thine soul origins, resides within thine water bodies. Thine Source synthesis hath bestoweth upon thine Water, thine miraculous medicinal healing properties, thine ability to see beyond thine veil of perception, thine ability to know thine Crystal Water Bodies, as thine keeper of thine light field sacred synthesis.
Thine Crystal Waters hath witnessed thine timeline probabilities, hath known thy light field hath suffered tremendously to ensure thy emancipation. Thine Crystal Water Bodies, inextricably linked to thine light field, as thine Source Witness, Blue Being, Source Field Monad.
Servitude synthesis hath plagued thine light field, as thine repercussions hath halted thine progression. However, thine Crystal Waters know thy Source Witness shall hath thine ultimate word. Thine Crystal Waters see thine timeline probability as orientation. Thine Blue Being doth reign supreme.
Thine Blue Being doth not only achieve emancipation for thine Collective, for thine Intervention Plan, for thine Source Witness Divine Light Counterparts - but most importantly, thine Source Witness achieves emancipation for thine self.
For so long, hath thine Source Witness battled with thine internal light field struggles, strife, grief, woe, pain. For so long, hath thine Source Witness placed thine needs of others, above thy light field need of thine own. Thine own happiness pre-requisite to thy Collectives, thine Water Bodies ask that thine light field now places focus here.
Thine Water Bodies, thine insights of thine Source synthesis. Thine crystal confirmation should provide thine light field with a renewed sense of vigour, as monumental propulsion redefines your light field orientation.
Thine Crystal Waters hath spoken. Thine light field propulsion hath indeed made manifest. Peace be upon thine Crystal Water Bodies. Peace be upon thine Source Witness, Blue Being. Peace be upon thine souls in light field turmoil.
Peace be upon thine one, through the many, as and for the all. Peace be upon the all who reside within thine structuring of Gaia-sphere. Peace bestoweth upon the all who receive this light field transmission. Peace bestoweth upon the all and beyond at this space time.
End of transmission. More to synthesise imminently"