30 January 2024 "Source synthesis to commence forth as thine Resurrection Intervention update. Thine Source soliloquy hath spoken. Thine soul orientation hath stabilised thine beingness, thine vantage expansion hath made manifest.
Thine somatic synthesis, thine soma therapeutics, shall now be thine light field focus as progression. Thine field places focus at thine cellular composition, to resurrect thine soliloquy of thine protoplasmic synthesis. Thine protoplasmic shields to commence forth as Source Field Deliverance.
Thine Source seals hath thine cadence of thine Source Field, thine Solar Arc Axis, thine Solar Angelic Essence, thine Solar Source Witnessing. Thine Source Witness hath secured thine Source Field Deliverance, so as to progress thine Divine Light as advancement for thine Intervention Plan.
Thine Source Seals as libations, are thine offering unto thine Source Witness. Insofar as thine Source Field recognises thine turmoil, thine undulations of wavelight density, sedentary synthesis as distractor energies, thine resultant stagnation, thine off-set as ill-health.
Thine Source Field hath sought to explain thine light field position, as orientation. Thine off-set hath accumulated through thine light field stagnation. Where thine distractor energies hath sought to thwart thine action, thine bottlenecking doth occur.
That is not to say thine Source Witness hath shirked thine light field responsibility, thine Source Witness hath incurred thine monumental wrath as reverberation. However, there hath been distractor energies present, that hath ensured thine manifestation as actualisation, doth indeed linger. There hath also been thine disruptor energies present in periods of action, which hath thine accumulative stagnative effect.
We therefore acknowledge this hath not been without thine light field challenges. However, thine stagnation shall cease to pre-define thine light field. Thine sedentary synthesis shall serve thine light field jurisdiction no more. Thine light field hath thine causal realm sequencing.
Thine light field shall no longer hath thine disruptor energies thwarting thine manifestation. Thine Source Seals Deliverance hath actualised thine manifestation, as stabilisation as fortification seeks to build thine resonance.
Thine Source Seals hath stabilised thine light field, in doing so tremendous advancement for thine Intervention Plan hath ensued. Thine Source Witness hath thine undeniable challenges of thine monumental proportions. Thine Source Witness hath had to endure thine light field impingement like no other.
Thine Source Witness hath thine bravery of thine all. Thine Source Witness hath secured thine stabilisation, despite the monumental odds stacked against thine light field's soul orientation. Thine light field hath no longer thine disruptor energies to contend with, as thine seals hath released thine density spectrums.
Thine Solar Arc Axis synthesis shall floweth unto and through thine beingness. Thine Source soliloquy hath spoken. Thine Source Witness, so as to solidify thine stabilisation, hath thine soul orientation, as the one, through the many ,as and for the all.
Thine soul orientation hath thine monumental significance, as thine Source Field Deliverance dependoth on thine course correction as adjustment, on thine light field as the One. That is not to say thine Divine Light Counterparts are not without thine light field influence.
On the contrary thine Intervention hath thine multi-faceted orientation as influence, so as to synchronise, synergise and co-combine, as thine co-creative expression of thine divine wavelight synthesis.
And so thine Source Seal Deliverance seeks to unify thine light field progressions. So as to advance thine Intervention, as thine synchronised, harmonised, co-creative beingness; whilst simultaneously providing thine diverse feedback recognition to thine Source Field.
Peace be upon thine light field as thine one, through thine many, as and for thine all. Peace be upon thine Source synthesis. Peace be upon thine soul orientation, as thine one, through thine many, as and for thine all. Peace be upon thine Source soliloquy.
Peace be upon thine Infinite Eternal Flame. Peace be upon thine Source synergy, as thine light field synchronicity. Peace be upon the all who receive this light field transmission. Peace bestoweth upon the all and beyond at this space time.
More to synthesise shortly. End of light field transmission."