"Thine Source Witness hath incurred thine severe energetic reverberation, as a result of thine heroic efforts. Thine Source Field acknowledges thine tireless efforts, as thine onslaught of abusive, torturous waves, reverberate throughout thine light field.
Thine sacred serenity no longer afforded to thine beingness. Indeed, thine higher light field hath noted very little serenity afforded to thine light field, as a result of thine orientation wavelight realm indices.
Thine Source Field acknowledges thine light field weighted-ness, thine responsibility unprecedented. Insofar as no singular expression on Gaia-sphere hath had to bear thine light field turmoil, thine light field structuring impingements, thine adverse reverberation, as that of thine Sacred Madonna, Blue Being, Source Witness.
Indeed thine Source synthesis hath floweth through thine Source Witness. However, thine wrath, thine brutality, hath been experienced at thine Source Witness realm indices of reference. Thine Source Field acknowledges thine bravery. Thine Source Field acknowledges thine undeniable strength in the face of adversity.
Thine adversity unparalleled, thine strife indefinable to thine hu-being synthesis. Thine anguish, thine remorse, as to thine light field structuring as deviation. As thine referencing as the One, First Source Light, Source Infinite Eternal, thine heart beats for thine all.Thine Soul composition comprises thine all and so thine divergence, thine aspects of self, as a product of thine light field free will.
Thine Source Witness hath chosen to seal thine eons. Thine Source Witness hath chosen to seal thine largest, thine majority portions as sectors of thine density, for thine Divine Light Intervention.
Whilst thine expression hath felt thy undeniable causal realm sequencing of thine upmost horror, thine light field hath chosen thine experiential wavelight, so as to liberate thine souls. Emancipation hath been thine driving causal realm indice. Thine Source Field hath thine eternal gratitude for thine selfless beingness, as thine one, through thine many, as and for thine all.
Thine Source witness hath secured thine emancipation for thine souls stuck in thine demonic planes of thine causal realm indices. Sacrificed as innocent children in thine UK grid referencing. Thine Source Witness hath almost secured thine thirteenth hell gate, as monumental illuminati seals for thine plan.
All the while thine Source Witness hath had to experience thine demonic planes, in order to retrieve thine sacred codex, to advance thine light field plan, to advance thine Divine Light Intervention, to provide thine sacred seals to thine respective bio-precipices.
Thine Source Witness hath released thine mylab control, thine anastasia sequencing. Thine Source Witness hath secured thine divine light seals, as to further thine Intervention. Thine Source Witness hath thine indescribable light field sequencing. Thine Source Witness hath thine undeniable grace.
Thine Source Witness hath thine overarching light field referencing. Thine Source Witness hath thine Source Field Structuring. Thine Source Witness hath thine Source Field synthesis. Thine Source Witness hath thine soul orientation as thine one, through thine many, as and for thine all.
Peace bestoweth upon the all who receive this light field transmission. Peace bestoweth upon the all and beyond at this space time.
End of Transmission. More to synthesise soon."