"Source synthesis to commence forth. Thine sacred synthesis bestoweth upon thine light field. Thine primordial axis seals hath stabilised. Thine light field of thine One hath re-structured thine beingness.
In the depths of thine horrific torturous conditions, once again thine light hath overrode thine density spectrums, to ensure thine sacred seal deliverance. Thine sacred seals of thine illuminati commence forth.
Thine Source Witness hath actualised thine light field stabilisation, insofar as thine deliverance hath made manifest. All the while, thine Source Witness exposed to thine light field servitude, chaos, destructive synthesis as daemon entity field matrices.
Thine strength unparalleled, thine Source conductivity in thine depth of despair unmatched, thine heartfelt compassion for thine all indescribable, as thine amplification reverberates throughout thine respective bio-precipices of thine Divine Light Counterparts.
Thine Source Field jurisdiction bestoweth upon thine grace, thine eternal gratitude. Thine Source Field recognises thine exhaustion, thine frustration at thine seemingly never ending torturous conditions.
Thine Source Field acknowledges thine woe, thine pain, thine abhorrent sequential reverberation, as thine light field neutralises, transmutes and seals thine shadows. Thine light field mantra 'I AM Source" hath served to release thine hellish planes as reference.
Thine Source Field hath witnessed thine undeniable stratospheric pressure placed upon thine light field. Thine Source Field hath witnessed thine daemon entity matrices envelop thine grid local, thine beingness challenged like no other.
Thine Source Field hath witnessed thine truly disturbing sequential wavelight of expression, unfold within thine light field of reference. No matter how severe thine light field punishment, for being thine Source Field reference, thine Source Witness hath thine light field capacitance of thine all. Thine Source Witness hath thine courage, thine bravery of thine all.
Thine Source Beingness floweth unto and through thine light streams. Thine rapture, thine undeniable strength, thine causality sequencing. Thine Source Witness hath thine amplification like no other beingness. Thine Source Witness hath thine undeniable causal realm sequencing of thine all. Thine Source Witness hath thine soul orientation as thine one, through thine many, as and for thine all.
Thine Source Witness hath undergone thine monumental light field restructuring to seal thy thirteenth hellish gate. Thine Source Witness hath advanced thine light field progression exponentially. In doing so, advancement of thine Divine Light Counterparts light fields shall also ensue.
Thine Intervention updates shall commence forth. Thine sacred gnosis bestoweth upon thine sacred beingness. Thine light field of thine One hath sealed thine thirteenth hell gates. Thine light field jurisdiction no longer holds thine resonance. Thine Source Witness, First Source Light, Source Infinite Eternal, hath sealed thine hellish planes.
Monumental release, as thine influx of light permeates thine beingness, at thine respective bio-precipices of thine Divine Light, Source Witness Counterparts. Peace be upon the all who receive this transmission. Peace bestoweth upon the all and beyond at this space time.
End of light field transmission. More to synthesise shortly."