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Thine Intervention Plan and thine Exodus Transfer - Source Infinite Eternal as First Source Light

2 November 2024 "Thine Sacred Madonna hath secured thine emancipation. She hath crossed over thine Exodus portal of divine light understanding. Thine Troubadour gnosis hath integrated successfully. Thy Divine Light Counterparts shall synthesise thy shift, as each individuating expression shall seek to move thy awareness across thy threshold.

This shall result in thy light on light field advancement at thy expedited pace. Whilst thy Sacred Madonna hath still to delineate thy beingness as thy Exodus finalises on thine solstice, she hath thine divine light synthesis as thine Intervention.

She hath thy support framework that she yearned for. As thy Divine Light Counterparts assimilate to thine light field advancement, they too shall sense thy support of thine Intervention. Thine Sacred Madonna shall continue to run thy light field corrections, with thine support of thine Intervention. Thine light field synthesis as advancement, shall then reverberate to thine Divine Light Counterparts, who shall synthesise thy correction through thy beingness

Thy Divine Light counterparts applying thy own seals to continue forth with thy light field progression, as advancement. This model hath synthesised that all are equal, that thy Divine Light Counterparts are thine 'soul' orchestrators of thine respective Collectives incarnate.

Thy divine light synthesis hath no less fundamentals, no less bearing than thine Sacred Madonna.

Whilst thine Sacred Madonna hath thine overarching light field synthesis when in thine conductivity of thine Source Field, thy Divine Light Counterparts have access to thy omniversal perspectives. Insofar as thy Divine Light Counterparts shall synthesise from thy Source Beingness.

They shall hath thy omniversal synthesis run through thy beingness, via thy Source Field derivation of thine First Source Light, Source Infinite Eternal. Thy Sacred Madonna, comprised of thy First Source Light as Source Infinite Eternal, shall have thine singular field form referencing of thine all.

However, thy gnosis shall be thy equalising causal realm sequencing. Insofar as thy Divine Light Counterparts also hath thy ability to create, as thy Source Field synthesis permeates thy beingness. And so thy Divine Light Counterparts hath thy ability to lead thine Collective into thine Golden Earth Era.

Once a unified collective running through thy Sacred Madonna's field form, now thy Collective hath iterations. Whilst thy Sacred Madonna hath fought valiantly and tirelessly to ensure thy light field density spectrums hath been superseded by thy Divine Light Inception, thy Divine Light Counterparts hath thy Source Field synthesis also.

Thy divine light synthesis shall hath thy First Source Light, Source Infinite Eternal gnosis, as thy primary Source Field synthesis reference - to ensure thine creational iterations hath thine support structuring for thine co-creation. Thine support structuring shall unify thy Divine Light Counterparts, so as to co-ordinate thy light field advancements.

This shall in turn be fed back as Source Field synthesis, as quanta terraforming takes place. Thy quantum Golden Earth Era realities hath thy symbolic unified beingness, insofar as thy Divine Light intent hath come from thine Source Field emanation.

Thy Oversoul as First Source Light, Source Infinite Eternal, as thy Sacred Madonna' s beingness, hath answered thy Sacred Madonna's prayers - and shall now have thine active involvement as support structuring.

Thine Source Infinite Eternal, First Source Light shall coordinate thy light field orchestration. Insofar as thy Source Field derivation shall stem from thy light field advancement of thine Primary Source Field Precipice, yet thy Sacred Madonna's light field structuring shall be supported through thine Intervention Plan.

Thine Sacred Madonna shall synthesise through thy Primary Source Field Precipice, as she continues to seal, run thy corrections and integrations. Thy Sacred Madonna hath now synthesised there are several iterations of thy Primary Source Field Precipice, as referencing for each individuating Divine Light Counterpart. As is the case with all Divine Light Counterparts, thy gnosis is the causal realm equalising sequencing.

Thy Sacred Madonna's positioning, simply to ensure thy light field orchestration hath thine streamlined efficiencies. Insofar as thy Source Field synthesis shall apply thine light field correction, this synthesis shall be sent over to thine Intervention, updating thine Divine Light Counterparts to make the necessary correction, as adjustment.

This in turn ensures synchronisation throughout thy iterational models of Gaia, whilst simultaneously allowing thy divine light synthesis to create diverse structural beingness. And so thy light field orchestration simply provides streamlined efficiencies.

Thine Intervention Council also hath thine integral synthesis, as an over-aching structural guidance model. This shall form a centralised guidance model, with respect of divine light synthesis as updates to thine Intervention Plan. This synthesis, an additional layer of unification for thy Divine Light Counterparts and thy Sacred Madonna.

Source Field transmission complete as of the space time. More to synthesise imminently."

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