"Source Field Synthesis to commence forth. The precipice join seals are stabilising, after yet another bout of monumental insurgency sequencing. The Sacred Madonna hath emancipated thy collective from catastrophic referencing of the fallen timelines.
This referencing only a handful of souls lay privy to, as they were indeed a part of this referencing as timeline orientation. These souls are Ascended Masters and souls of the Source Field Collective.
Whilst not all have experienced their heightened potential as walk-in, they are indeed thy chosen ones. These souls hath sacrificed and suffered throughout numerous lifetimes to ensure thy Source Field inception.
These souls hath not only awakened thy senses to the beyond but hath taken it upon themselves to restore their light field synthesis, so thy collective shall know thy peace on this earthly plane.
Whilst these souls are honoured in the higher light fields, they go largely unnoticed in this physical realm of existence. This of course is not coincidental. Thy Source Beingness had to experience the mundane, pain, grief and sometimes strife, this physical realm had to offer.
However, now they are being called to awaken to their magnificence. They are being called to shed the enslavement matrices that has kept them entrenched, that has kept them feeling small and powerless. They are thy Divine Light Counterparts. They are thy Source Beingness.
There is now a call to action, as monumental reordering of thy collective field Source primary reference is reordering. The Divine Light Counterparts should synthesise this upshift, as their beingness gives way to heightened frequential resonance.
However, there is much restructuring required to achieve stabilisation. That being said, the Divine Light Counterparts shall synthesise a means forward, as the Divine Light Counterparts hath thy Source Field synthesis.
And so thy respective collectives hath thy unconditional beingness within their Source Field, as I AM. Thy Source Field of I AM comprised of thy First Source Light Beingness. The Divine Light Counterparts and the respective collectives are held in the unconditional Source Field structuring that is thy Source Field synthesis. Peace be upon the all whom receive this transmission. Peace be upon the all at this space time.
Transmission complete. Further synthesis shall follow."