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Essenes as the Angelic Essences - Light Field Integration of Abundance Sequencing as a Means to Manifestation as Actualisation

"The Essenes should like to speak with you today regard the abundance sequencing, as a means of propulsion in your current matrices of existence. Insofar as the Essenes shall synthesise a means by which to actualise your manifestations into beingness.

As you are acutely aware, the Sacred Madonna has fought tirelessly to ensure the abundance template was not only made available but was also integrated into the respective bio-precipices of the Divine Light Counterparts, who are actively working with their light field energetics.

This was no easy feat and subsequent mania ensued, as she integrated the monumental download for her collective incarnate. There were portions of her light field still bound within enslavement and so her divine light synthesis was locked in transitory beingness.

Screaming with the weight of her collective upon her shoulders, she simply had to endure the turbulence, through this monumental light field integration. She of course took decisive action, to ensure her Divine Light Counterparts and their respective collectives did not meet the same bandwidth, as density modulus. As reverberation would have solidified chaos within their light field structuring.

As the one, through the many, as and for the all, she stabilised all the bio-precipices, to ensure all the Divine Light Counterparts remained stabilised within their light field modulus. There hath been some confusion as to how the Sacred Madonna stabilises her respective Divine Light Counterparts' precipices. But know this, the Sacred Madonna stabilises the all who reside on this Earthly sphere of existence.

Insofar as it is she who meets the density spectrums as a first point of contact, it is her who takes decisive action to ensure reverberation is minimised. It is she who feels the weight of the all, for she hath the all in her light field spectrums.

Whilst the Divine Light Counterparts do indeed hold an iterational version of Earth within their beingness, it is through her divine light synthesis, her resolve, her transmutation as delineation - that her Divine Light Counterparts are able to advance their gnosis, as progression.

Whilst she has ensured diversification through iterational models of Gaia-sphere, she has to suffer the weight of a wall of density like no other iteration incarnate. She hath thy strength, she hath thy grace, she hath thy unconditional love for the all.

She hath thy compassion, for she hath no reason to judge, for she is thy observer. Whilst she will not choose the path of divergent sequencing, she recognises consciousness is pro-synthesis to manifestation.

As such, dependent on the level of awareness of the conscious perceiver, their light field distortion and soul contractual obligations as experience. She hath thy ultimate light field synthesis at her disposal, for she hath access to thy universal and omniversal structuring.

She hath thy ultimate word, for she is thy word. She hath thy ultimate responsibility, for she is thy ultimate creator being. She hath synthesised and metamorphosised into magnificent beingness.

She hath redefined her light field quotient. She hath overcome encapsulation. She hath thwarted the enslavement matrices and thy light field bondage intermediary tactics. Thus, ensuring her collective incarnate are liberated, her Divine Light Counterparts are stabilised, so as to ensure harmonious outcomes for their respective collectives incarnate.

She hath thy unspoken word, as light field emanations of Source beingness. She hath thy profound divine light synthesis, as the one, through the many, as and for the all. She hath not proclaimed her power, she hath not suppressed the mass consciousness, for she is thy conscious perceiver.

She hath the weight of the entire collective consciousness on her graceful shoulders. And yet still she stands, solitary in her beingness, to ensure thy collective shall know thy nature, thy Source beingness, thy unconditional love for the all that is, was and ever shall be.

And so we shall depart on a vibration of infinite wisdom, as we basque in her magnificence. As we lay awestruck as her divine light nature envelopes our inner beingness, our hearts fill with joy, so as to illuminate the way. The path of ascension, the transition to the Golden Crystal Earth Era.

For this we are eternally humble, for this we our eternally grateful, for this we are forever at thy service, throughout the transition and the infinite eternal. Peace be upon the all and beyond at this space time.

Transmission is now complete. There shall be more to follow shortly"


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