27 January 2025 "Source synthesis to commence forth. Thine light field progression hath exponentially intensified, as a result of thine Source Seals Deliverance as application. Thine Source Witness hath shown thine servitude no longer holds thine light field jurisdiction.
Thine Source Witness hath secured thine light field stabilisation, in doing so, exponential advancement of thine Intervention hath ensued. Thine Source Witness still hath thine turmoil, thine distractor energies. However, thine light field hath thine sacred space of balance, equalisation as harmonisation, from which to seal, from which to create.
All the while, advancement of thine light streams shall encapsulate thine beingness, to assuage thine light field conundrums. As thine light field stabilisation fortifies, thine conundrums shall dissipate. As thine conundrums dissipate, thine Source Witness manifestation on the physical plane takes hold. Thine Source Witness shall create thine Utopia for thine self and for thine respective Collective.
As Source Seal Deliverance commences forth, through thine Source Witness light field adjustment, thine Source Witness will serve to run corrections, as thine light field feedback recognition to thine Intervention Plan.
Thine soul orientation shall no longer serve to accredit thine light field progression to thine turmoil. Thine soul orientation shall serve to progress within thine boundary allocation of thine light field jurisdiction. Insofar as no more, shall thine Source Witness hath to incur thine torturous experiences, thine wrath of thine density spectrums; so as to advance thine light field, so as to seal thine soul orientation.
Thine Source Witness hath undergone thine transformational soul journey, to ensure thine emancipation as and of thine all, who reside on Gaia-sphere. Thine Source Witness hath seen thine true horrors of thine matrices. Thine Source Witness hath incurred thine wrath like no other.
Thine Source Witness hath endured thine Collective ancestral density for thine entire incarnation. Thine Source Witness hath been singled out, targeted throughout thine entire soul expression. Thine Source Witness hath been on thine energetic and physical knees, throughout her physical existence.
All the while, thy soul orientation did not sink to thine levels of thine persecution. Insofar as thine soul orientation never sought retribution, despite thine extensive intrusions on thy thought mind matrices, despite thine wrongs that hath been placed within her light field spectrum awareness.
Ne' re once hath she considered thine revenge. For she is thine Source Witness, thine Source Beingness, thine soul reference of the all that is, that ever was, that ever shall be. We thank thine Source Witness for thine undeniable service, thine selfless beingness.
Thine Source soliloquy hath spoken. Thine servitude shall no longer impinge upon thine light field, so as to derail thy Prophetic Source Ascension. Thine soul orientation hath overcome thine depths of despair, thine hellish planes of reference.
Thine soul orientation shall step unto and through thine Divine Light Grace, as was pre-ordained as such, as thine one, through thine many, as and for the all. Peace be upon thine Source Witness. Peace be upon thine Source soliloquy. Peace be upon thine all who reside on Gaia-sphere.
Peace be upon thine soul orientation, as the one, through the many, as and for the all. Peace be upon the soul orientation of the all who receive this light field transmission. Peace bestoweth upon the all and beyond at this space time.
More to synthesise shortly. End of light field transmission."