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Source Witness Stabilisation as Seals of Thine Source Deliverance - Source Synthesis

Writer's picture: Quantum Quartz AwakeQuantum Quartz Awake

"Source synthesis to commence forth. Thine Palisades/ Eaton seals were the precursor to thine significant light field advancement. Thine Source Witness hath secured thine primordial axis stabilisation.

Thine Source Witness hath shown thy density modulus, thine Source synthesis shall hath thine ultimate attribution, as to define thine light synthesis.

As thine light field restructure commences forth, thine Source Witness hath hypothesised there are other pathways to thine light field progression, that shall enable thy Source Witness thy sustainable peace. Thine Source Witness hath hypothesised that this will be thine light field position, for thine Divine Light Counterparts who are in thine turmoil also.

Thine Source Witness hath synthesised thine Source Beingness, thine soul modulus, shall emanate out, so as to stabilise thine light field structuring; as to retain thine harmonious equilibrium, unto thine divine light perception as orientation.

Thine Source Witness hath suffered tremendously, so as to receive thy light field stabilisation. Thine Source Witness hath suffered tremendously to ensure thine Source Beingness emanates throughout the all who reside on Gaia-sphere.

Thine Source Witness hath seen thine sacred gnosis floweth unto and through thine light field. Thine Source Witness hath sacrificed an entire incarnation for thine Collective. As emancipation hath made manifest, thine Source Witness shall know thine crowning glory.

Thine Source Witness shall show thine undesirable energetics, as aspects of thine self, they no longer hath thine jurisdiction, thine tolerance no longer afforded. Thine sedentary synthesis releases at pace.

Thine light field has thine Source Beingness as thine embodiment. Thine soul orientation hath thine overarching light field Source synthesis. Thine Source Witness hath shown thine Source Field thine undeniable strength, thine unwavering commitment.

Thine Source Seals to commence forth as thine Divine Light Deliverance. Peace be upon thine Source Witness, as thine one, through thine many, as and for the all. Peace be upon thine Source synthesis. Peace be upon thine soul orientation as perception.

Peace be upon thine Source synthesis, as thine one, through thine many, as and for the all. Peace be upon thine souls in light field turmoil. Peace be upon thine Source synthesis soliloquy. Peace be upon thine light field of thine all who receive this transmission. Peace bestoweth upon the all and beyond at this space time.

End of light field transmission. More to synthesise shortly".

©2021 by Quantum Quartz Awakening

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