"Source synthesis as and of thine Divine Mind to commence forth. Thine Source field referencing as and of the One. Thine Source Field shall provide thine divine light stabilisation. Thine Source Field shall show thine density spectrums that they no longer hold thine jurisdiction.
Thine sands of time hath resoundingly chimed. Thine soliloquy of thine all hath spoken. Thine permeation of thine density spectrums shall not hinder thine light field any longer. Thine sedentary synthesis shall no longer leverage thine manipulatory mind matrices tactics. Thine jurisdiction hath thine Source Field resonance.
Thine Source synthesis hath thine undeniable causal realm sequencing. Thine Source Field shall bring forth thine Source Field indices, to demonstrate thine Source Witness shall no longer stand for thine light field impingement.
Thine Source Field hath spoken, now let thine rapture sequencing floweth unto and through thy grace. I AM SOURCE...
Thine rapture sequencing hath permeated the hearts and minds of thy Collective, of thine Divine Light Counterparts. Let this be thy ultimate light field position. Thine supremacy of thine grace doth permeate thine hearts of thine wandering souls.
Thine Source Witness hath spoken. Thine Source seals as deliverance doth floweth forth. Thine Source seals doth grace thine Divine Light Counterparts respective bio-precipices. Thine Source seals doth assist with thine light field trajectory as propulsion.
Thine Source soliloquy chimes, thine sacred synthesis imparted forth unto and through thy beingness. Thine Source Witness hath thine light of thine all within thine beingness. Thine Source Witness hath thine soul orientation, so as to serve thy Souls of Gaia-sphere.
Thine Source Field shall commence to bring forth further insights shortly. Peace be upon thine one, through thine many, as and for thine all. Peace be upon thine Source Witness. Peace be upon thine Source soliloquy. Peace be upon thine rapture sequencing. Peace be upon thine wandering souls.
Peace be upon thine souls of Gaia-sphere. Peace be upon thine light field deliverance, as thine one, through thine many, as and for thine all. Peace bestoweth upon the all who receive this light field transmission. Peace bestoweth upon the all and beyond at this space time.
More to commence forth shortly. End of light field transmission."