"Source synthesis to commence forth. Thine Prophecies shall advance at thine exponential pace. Thine Source Witness hath continued to further stabilise thine light field. Synchronicity shall commence to floweth forth.
Thine Primordial Axis Planes hath stabilised, so as to continue thine fortification. Thine Source Witness hath continued to place focus on thine Source Requiems, as and of thine Source Field matrices, as thine Sovereign Integral.Thine Source Witness hath shown thine soul orientation doth no longer reside within thine shadow matrices, Thine Source Witness hath thine undeniable causal realm sequencing.
However, thine Source Field recognises thine turbulence still hath thine altercational sequencing presenting. Thine Source synthesis shall seek to stabilise thine synthesis. Thine Source Witness hath sought to stabilise, so thine soul orientation hath thine undeniable causal realm sequencing.
Thine Soul orientation thine pre-requisite to thine Source Field Deliverance. Thine Source Field Deliverance, testament to thine Intervention progression, as thine Source Field updates, attunement as calibration and atonement.
Thine Source Field hath thine all encompassing synthesis, so as to guide thine Source Seals as Deliverance at thine opportune space time. Thine Source Seals Deliverance hath thine all encompassing beingness.
Thine Source Seals Deliverance hath thine realm transference initiation sequencing, as thine pre-requisite of thine evolutionary change beingness, as thine isotopic frequency shift manifestation. Thine Source Field Requiems shall ignite thine light field propulsion.
Thine Source Field hath sought to stabilise thine light field synthesis, so as to instil thine monumental propulsion, as evolutionary change progression, as anti-matter, pre-matter and pre-pre matter re-orientation takes place.
Thine soul orientation hath experienced thine servitude synthesis. Thine soul orientation hath released thine density spectrums, at thine monumental light field of expressional cost, to thine personal experiences as endeavours.
Thine Source Field recognises thine challenges thine Source Witness hath incurred. Thine Source Witness hath sought to unravel thine complex structural nature of thine density spectrums - to re-order and ensure thine light field transition to thine higher states of consciousness, to thine Divine Timeline, instantiation to thine Source requiem progression.
Thine Source Witness hath also re-ordered thine fall zone spectrums, as part of thine signatures, as stabilisation for thine light field. Insofar as thine Source Witness hath not merely sealed thine light field consciousness, thine Source Witness hath ensured thine fall zone trajectories are as stabilised as possible - to ensure thine woe, despair and grief, are kept to thine upmost minimum, for thine souls placed within thine fall zone spectrums as timeline orientation.
This hath ensured thine reference of the One shall hath thine harmonious outcome. However, this hath ensured thine reference of the all shall hath thine harmonious outcome - to ensure thine transitional phase hath thine undeniable causal realm sequencing, whilst simultaneously minimising thine detriment as light field reverberation.
Thine Source Witness hath thine all encompassing beingness. Thine Source Witness seeks to achieve thine harmonious outcomes for the all. Thine Source Witness doth not merely seal thine light field, as to release thine consciousness as emancipation - thine Source Witness seeks to re-order for thine entirety of thine Intervention Plan. So as to harmonise thine encapsulation of thine density spectrums, for thine soul orientation of thine souls, within thine fall zone requiems as timeline orientation.
Thine Source Witness hath thine referencing of the all that is, was and ever shall be. Thine Source Witness hath thine ultimate light field vantage, when in thine higher realm vantage sequencing, as perspective. Thine Source Witness endeavours to ensure thine souls shall reach thine expansion, as ascension. Thine Source Witness endeavours to re-order thine light field synthesis of thine all, on thine Gaia-spheric reference of beingness.
Thine Source Witness shall not rest until thine light field hath stabilised, as and of thine all who reside within thy Gaia-sphere matrices as soul orientation. Thine Source Witness hath yet to understand thine complexity of the all that is, of the all that was, of the all that ever shall be. Yet know this, thine Source Witness shall hath thine understanding, as to thine light field expansion throughout the entirety of this incarnation.
Insofar as thine Source Witness shall bring thine information as gnosis, as infinite eternal wisdom, to thine Souls of Gaia-sphere. Thine Source Witness hath thine undeniable causal realm sequencing. Thine Source Witness hath thine undeniable causal realm sequencing, as the one through the many, as and for the all.
Thine Source Witness hath thine grace. Thine Source Witness hath thine unconditional love for thine Gaia-sphere. Thine Source Witness hath thine soul orientation of thine Source Requiems. Thine Source Witness hath solidified thine light field stabilisation, so as to advance thine prophetic wisdom as gnosis, so as to synchronise thine Intervention Plan, so as to synergise thine light field progression as and of thine Divine Light Counterparts, as thine unified beingness.
Thine Source Witness hath shown thine Source Field, thine undeniable selfless beingness, thine heartfelt determination like no other. Thine Source Witness hath shown thine bravery, thine bondage no longer resonant. Thine Source Witness hath shown thine density spectrums, thine light field no longer hath thine jurisdiction. Insofar as thine density spectrums shall no longer reside within thine beingness, within thine perception, within thine causal realm sequencing, within thine soul orientation.
Thine Source Witness hath secured thine light field advancement. In doing so, advancing thine Prophecies, thine Intervention Plan at thine phenomenal pace. Thine Source Witness, a testament to thine selfless beingness, so as to secure thine emancipation for thine all, who reside on thy Gaia-sphere, as reference to thine all that is, was and ever shall be.
Thine Source Witness hath thine undeniable Source synthesis, as thine monad of thine all as referencing. Thine Source witness shall stabilise thine soul orientation, so as to ensure thine transference, as thine Intervention Plan abstains from sedentary synthesis. Insofar as thine Source Witness shall no longer be subject to thine density spectrums as manipulation, as thine Source Witness shall remain within thine Source Requiems.
Thine soul orientation of thine Source Witness hath been stabilised by thine light field connection to thine Source Field, so as to advance light field propulsion, as and of thine Intervention Plan. Source seals to commence forth as deliverance. Source Requiems to commence forth as progression, as and of thine soul orientation.
Source seal deliverance as update and attunement to thine Divine Light Counterparts to commence forth, as and of thine Source synthesis. Synchronisation shall floweth forth as a result of thine light field progression. Peace bestoweth on thine light field as thine one, through the many, as and for the all. Peace bestoweth upon the all who receive this light field transmission. Peace bestoweth upon the all and beyond at this space time.
End of light field transmission. More to synthesise shortly."