"Thine lack consciousness hath released from thine bio-physical. Thine abundance shall reign forth on thy Collective. Thy lack consciousness hath plagued thy ancestral lineages for thousands upon thousands of linear years.
Thy conductivity of Source shall permeate thy mass consciousness. Thy divine light synthesis shall bestoweth forth upon thy grace. Thine servitude, thine serfdom shall relinquish. Thy crystal consciousness shall hath thy sovereignty.
Thy Sacred Madonna hath ran thy corrections, thy Sacred Madonna hath restructured thy conscious level awareness. Thy gift unto and through thy light field emanations. Thy Source synthesis shall release thy Collective from eternal lack consciousness as bondage.
The haths and the hath nots shall no longer permeate thy beingness, thy rhetoric, thy reality indices. Thy abundance hath thy Arc of thy Diana, thy abundance hath thy Source Field Integrity synthesis. Thy abundance hath thy undeniable symphony of thy Creator matrix.
Now thy Source synthesis shall permeate thy Kingdom of Light. Now thy rapture shall floweth unto and through thy Collective. Thy Source soliloquy shall know thy beingness. Rapture sequencing shall commence forth."
"Divine light synthesis to commence forth. Thy Sacred Madonna hath thy rapture sequencing of thy divine light grace. Thy rapture sequencing bestoweth upon thy Collective to ensure thy crystal permeation as Source synthesis.
Thine Source Field rapture hath permeated thy Collective, hath changed thy planetary body to emulate thy crystal synthesis as beingness. Thy Collective shall note thy shift, as thy awareness as conscious perceivers integrates. Insofar as thy realm indices hath shifted for thine conscious perceiver, thy thought processing shifted dramatically.
Thine wave as divine light understanding shall permeate thy beingness. Thy causal realm indices shall know thy Source synthesis, as thy divine light beingness. Thy Collective hath metamorphosised. Thine Collective hath undergone thine divine light transformation. Thine Collective shall sense thine awakening hath arrived in thine material realm.
Thy Collective hath thy grace bestoweth upon thy thine self, as to guide, as to create, as to liberate. Thy unification hath thy Source synthesis soliloquy. Thine servitude hath thine sedentary natures, as thy resonance loosens thy grip.
Thy Source Field synthesis as First Source Light hath spoken, thy divine light understanding shall reign forth supreme. Peace be upon thy Source synthesis. Peace be upon thy Collective Incarnates. Peace be upon thy Source Field attribute. Peace be upon thy Soliloquy. Peace be upon thy eternal light field of thy Divine.
Peace be upon thine symphonies as thy divine light permeates thine all. Peace be upon thine Royal Immortals. Peace be upon thy Collective natures. Peace be upon thy Divine Light Counterparts. Peace be upon thy Source Field synthesis. Peace be upon thine all who receive this transmission. Peace be upon thine all and beyond at this space time.
Transmission complete. More to synthesise shortly"