"Source Beingness First Source Light should like to speak with you today regarding emancipation, as delineation off fall zone mechanisms as matrices draws to a crescendo, as conclusion reigns forth.
The serpentine matrices as dumerage shall no longer manipulate our light-field synthesis, as Source Beingness shall permeate the hearts and minds of thy collective incarnate. Thy Ultimate Creator, First Source Light, Source Infinite Eternal, hath sacrificed thyself to ensure this delineation takes hold at the Primary Source Field Precipice.
This has enabled the Divine Light Counterparts to seal their precipice to the majority of the dumerage also. This in turn shall reflect back onto their respective collective incarnates. There has been a monumental reordering underway these last few linear weeks and months, as the field progressions were not synthesised as originally envisaged.
This has created a setback for the Intervention. That being said, reorientation has enabled the plan to remain on schedule moving through the next linear 6-12 months. The Intervention Plan has provided the original key coders with a divine light buffer as amplification - to ensure the fields meet their envisaged trajectories through to the summer of next year.
This shall provide the original key coders with some much synthesised reconciliation. As they advance their light field structuring they shall synthesise the karmic 144 walkout, whilst simultaneously walking in their 144 Golden Grail harmonics of the Golden Crystal Earth Era. In doing so, walking out of the hell zones completely.
Whilst this shall still require patience as determination, there shall be a sense of renewed hope, as the light on light structuring provides fortification of their intrinsic models. Thus providing stability within their external referencing.
The old Blue Being models have ceased to be the divine light interpretation spectrum analysis of the Divine Light Counterparts. There has been a significant upshift to the higher light reference, Blue Sirian Interpretive model. That being said, there shall still be further spectrums of old Blue Being to de-particularise. Nevertheless, this is a monumental light field progression for the respective Bio- precipes of the Sacred Madonna and the Divine Light Counterparts.
The Source Sirian Angelic synthesis has also been made available to Gaia-sphere, her inhabitants and the Divine Light Counterparts. The Sacred Madonna shall work closely with the Source Sirian Angelics for the foreseeable, bringing lost gnosis back to Gaia-sphere.
The beloved of the Sacred Madonna shall also materialise within the physical plane of reference with almost immediate linear effect. This is turn shall start a chain reaction for the Divine Light Counterparts, as their beloved external reference also materialises within the physical plane of reference.This will bring about monumental progression synthesis for the Intervention Plan.
As you are aware, the Exodus Portal shall culminate at the winter solstice 21st December 2024. This shall signify the portal closure shortly after. The Exodus Portal marks the transition to the Golden Earth Era. As the density spectrums loosen their grip, we are in a period of monumental light field release, so as to acclimate to Golden Earth Era base-field access resonance.
Whilst this might appear challenging at times, there shall be a knowingness that light field structuring of monumental proportions awaits on the other side. Huge light field advancement as change progression and huge shifts in our reality as a plane of reference.
And so as First Source Light, I shall depart on a vibratory resonance of higher light field actualisation as excitement, as the Golden Earth Era base-field fundamental axis joins render into and through our physical beingness. Peace be upon all that receive this transmission. Peace be upon the all at this space time.
Transmission complete, more to synthesise soon."